GitHub is a cloud-based platform that allows developers to store, track, and collaborate on software projects. GitHub is based on Git, an open-source version control tool that allows multiple people to make changes to source files at the same time.
Creating an API Token for GitHub #
Before configuring the GitHub connector in Lucidum, you must first create an API Token. The Lucidum connector uses the API token to access the GitHub API.
From GitHub, Go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access token.
Generate a new token and then give the following read-only permissions:
To use a personal access token with an organization that uses SAML single sign-on (SSO), you must first authorize the token. For details,
To get the GitHub user email, the users must set their email addresses as “public”. In the user profile, select a primary email address to be “public”. If you do not set a public email address, then it will have a value of null.
Configuring the Connector for GitHub #
To configure Lucidum to ingest data from GitHub:
Log in to Lucidum.
In the left pane, click Connector.
In the Connector page, click Add Connector.
Scroll until you find the Connector you want to configure. Click Connect. The Settings page appears.
In the Settings page, enter the following:
URL (required). The URL of the API for GitHub.
API Token (required). Specify the personal access token that has read access. For details, see
In step 8, add the following permissions
To use a personal access token with an organization that uses SAML single sign-on (SSO), you must first authorize the token. For details, see Authorizing a personal access token for use with SAML single sign-on – GitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs .
Organization (required). The organization for the GitHub account, for example, LucidumInc.
To find your organization, log in to Github. In the upper-right corner, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.
To test the configuration, click Test.
If the connector is configured correctly, Lucidum displays a list of services that are accessible with the connector.
If the connector is not configured correctly, Lucidum displays an error message.