You can use the Lucidum API to:
Query the Lucidum database tables (/v1/data/cmdb)
The following sections describe the endpoints for these actions.
Query the Lucidum Database: /v1/data/cmdb #
The endpoint for querying the Lucidum database is /v1/data/cmdb.
Endpoint |
Method |
Parameters in Request Body |
/v1/data/cmdb |
Filters #
Filters use the following format:
{“field”: “CPU_Cores”,
“operator”: “>=”,
“value”: 4}
“field”: “<name of the field>”,
“operator”: “<comparison operator>”,
“value”: <value>
Field type |
Supported operator |
Example |
Number |
>, <, =, >=, <=, != |
{“field”: “CPU_Cores”, “operator”: “>=”, “value”: 4} |
Number |
in |
{“field”: “CPU_Cores”, “operator”: “in”, “value”: [4,8,16]} |
String |
= |
{“field”: “Asset_Name”, “operator”: “=”, “value”: “ec2-1324”} |
String |
like |
{“field”: “Asset_Name”, “operator”: “like”, “value”: “%abc%”} |
String |
in |
{“field”: “Asset_Name”, “operator”: “in”, “value”: [“ec2-123”, “ec2-456”]} |
Boolean |
= |
{“field”: “Is_Virtual”, “operator”: “=”, “value”: true} |
List |
contains |
{“field”: “List_Users”, “operator”: “contains”, “value”: [“user1”, “user2”]} |
List |
not contains |
{“field”: “List_Users”, “operator”: “not contains”, “value”: [“user1”, “user2”]} |
Examples #
For examples, see the chapter on examples.
Query Upload History in the Lab Database: /api/upload/customer/collection_history #
Lucidum provides API access to the database tables in the Lab. To view information about file uploads to the lab database, you can use the Lucidum API.
The endpoint for viewing information about file uploads to the Lab database is /api/upload/customer/collection_history.
Endpoint | Method | Parameters in Request Body |
/api/upload/customer/collection_history | GET |
Examples #
For examples, see the chapter on examples.
Compare Files in the Lab Database: /api/upload/customer/collection_history/export?params #
Lucidum provides API access to the database tables in the Lab. To compare file uploads to the Lab database, you can use the Lucidum API.
The endpoint to compare file uploads to the Lab database is /api/upload/customer/collection_history/export?params.
Endpoint | Method | Parameters in Request Body |
/api/upload/customer/collection_history/export?params. | GET |
You can use the /api/upload/customer/collection_history endpoint to find upload IDs.
Examples #
For examples, see the chapter on examples.