Actions for Cisco AppDynamics #
- Send Data to Cisco AppDynamics. Sends a custom set of Lucidum data to Cisco AppDynamics.
Use Cases #
Below are the possible use cases for these actions:
If you want to run Lucidum “headless”, you can send relevant data to Cisco AppDynamics on a regular schedule.
- You can send normalized, enriched Lucidum data to Cisco AppDynamics to be indexed, searched, and analyzed.
Prerequisites #
To execute Cisco AppDynamics actions, you must configure a Cisco AppDynamics API connection beforehand.
NOTE. The specified account should have read and write permissions.
Workflows #
- Creating a new Configuration and a new Action
- Cloning an Existing Action
- Creating a new Action from the Location Results page
- Editing a Configuration
- Editing an Action
- Viewing Information about an Action
Cisco AppDynamics Configuration #
To create a configuration for Cisco AppDynamics? actions:
Configuration Name. Identifier for the Configuration. This name will appear in the Lucidum Action Center.
- URL. URL of the API server for Cisco AppDynamic. For example,
Client ID. Client ID for the Lucidum. For example, [email protected]. For details on generating a client ID and client secret, see
- Client Secret. UUID for the client Id. For example, face10d5-573e-4a75-8396-afa006fd8f19. For details on generating a client ID and client secret, see
Max # of Records per Payload. The maximum number of records to send to Cisco AppDynamics in each action. The default value is “50”.
Create a New Action #
To create an action for Cisco AppDynamics, contact Lucidum customer care.