Abnormal Security

What is Abnormal Security? #

Abnormal provides cloud-native, AI-powered protection against email attacks including phishing, malware, ransomware, social engineering, executive impersonation, supply chain compromise, internal account compromise, spam, and graymail.

Why Should You Use the Abnormal Security Connector? #

The Abnormal Security connector provides visibility into the threats and assets in your environment. You can use this visibility to:

  • manage threats

  • ensure assets are managed per your security policies

  • derive relationships between assets, users, applications, and data

How Does This Connector Work? #

Lucidum executes read-only requests to the Abnormal Security REST API and ingests only meta-data about Abnormal Security devices. Lucidum does not retrieve any data stored on your assets.

Configuring the Connector in Lucidum #




Profile Name

Name of the profile



The URL for the Abnormal Security API.


API Token

API key for a Abnormal Security account with read access.

For details on generating an API token in Abnormal Security, seeĀ https://abnormalsecurity.my.site.com/knowledgebase/s/article/Abnormal-REST-API-Integration#Integration-Steps


Source Documentation #

Creating Credentials #

For details on creating credentials in Abnormal Security for use by the Lucidum connector, seeĀ https://abnormalsecurity.my.site.com/knowledgebase/s/article/Abnormal-REST-API-Integration#Integration-Steps

Required Permissions #

The API token includes read and write permissions.

API Documentation #
