Docusign IAM (Intelligent Agreement Management) is a SaaS-based platform for end-to-end agreement management that includes electronic signatures, electronic notarization, automated workflows for contract lifecycle management, searchable dashboards, identity verification, and document generation.
Configuring the Connector for DocuSign #
To configure Lucidum to ingest data from DocuSign:
Log in to Lucidum.
In the left pane, click Connector.
In the Connector page, click Add Connector.
Scroll until you find the Connector you want to configure. Click Connect. The Settings page appears.
In the Settings page, enter the following:
URLÂ (required): The URL of the DocuSign API
Account IDÂ (required): The DocuSign account ID associated with the organization
User IDÂ (required): The DocuSign impersonated user ID
Integration Key (required): The DocuSign integration key (client ID)
Private Key File (required): Upload the private key file
Verify SSL. For future use.
To test the configuration, click Test.
If the connector is configured correctly, Lucidum displays a list of services that are accessible with the connector.
If the connector is not configured correctly, Lucidum displays an error message.